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Electrofusion tapping tee 63x32 with saddle clamp WEBA

Electrofusion tapping tee 63x32 with saddle clamp WEBA

PE pipe diameter
(Diskon %)
14,65 €
bersih / 1pc.
/ 1pc.

Electrofusion tapping tee 63x32 with saddle clamp WEBA

The fitting of our production is made of high quality PE100 RC SDR11 polyethylene. The fitting is intended for use in gas distribution networks, pressure installations, for reducing pipe diameters (working pressure 10 bar) and for water (working pressure 16 bar).

The WEBA electrofusion fitting can be welded using any welding machine. The electrofusion tapping tee has a special label with a bar code, compliant with the ISO 13950 standard. The label contains all the necessary technical data for proper welding:

  • welding time,
  • cooling time,
  • voltage (99 which means - 39.5V for all products),
  • time correction (in code 44 which means that the correction is 0.4% per 1 degree C - correction is the same for all products),
  • resistance.

The traceability code conforms to the ISO 12176-4 standard. Use a barcode reader to check the code from the fitting. The welding and cooling time parameters are set automatically in the electrofusion welder.

Electrofusion tapping tee with saddle clamp have an upper and lower drilling limiter.

Working with the product is easy and safe.

Tekanan maksimal
10 bar
Saddle tee
Radius bending
Terminal pin connection
4 mm
Type of PE pipe
PE100 RC
SDR PE pipe
PE pipe diameter
Discount group
electrofusion welding
To the application
Domestic natural gas installation
Berat kotor
0,65 kg
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